From the sunny sky’s to the warm beaches, Eric Capolino has taken to devoting his entire life to figuring out the ins and outs of Miami’s life. Starting with his love of beaches Eric Capolino has spent nearly 400 man hours walking the beaches from shore to shore, getting use to the smell of the air and taste of the sand. After he had completed his touring of the beaches he began to roam the inner city and find his way through all the bars and restaurants trying to figure out which one was the best. At last after he had accomplished that he spends most of his time watching the Eric Capolino Miami Dolphins play at their home stadium. His favorite player is the wide receiver Brian Hartline:


Eric Capolino wishes the best of luck to all the Dolphins and their upcoming season of Football, Go Dolphins!

In an interview with the Miami Marlins coach it was evident that the team was facing some crushing blows and whatnot about their baseball this year. Ebon Talifarro commented saying ” The time is now, The moment was yesterday, and the future is in the past” Supposedly this means that the Jarvan of the Season was next to the filling of the jesters crown. More with comments to come soon.